10. Summers hanging out by Hume Lake and playing the game we officially invented called "Run on the Lake".
9. Laughing at stupid Youtube videos in my office with a group of guys following our Wednesday morning Bible study right before we charge the gates of hell in prayer on our faces.
8. High School Football games in the fall.
7. Being on a mission with the most incredible adult volunteers in the country to expand the Kingdom of GOD and making it really hard for someone to go to hell from Modesto.
6. Spending every Easter in Mexico with hundreds of high school students worshipping Jesus until our throats are bloody and our voices are gone!
5. Monday night strolls around BVG watching small groups of teenagers talk about how to follow Christ and live for him more on their campuses.
4. Leading a Bible Study on Wednesday mornings before the sun is even up with a bunch of teenage guys who are making Christ a priority in life, refusing to wait for someone else to lead. HU-AH!!
3. Preaching the Word every Sunday morning to High School students at ACCESS.
2. Watching a student smile as his eyes widen and a lightbulb appears over his head on a Sunday morning as I'm preaching the Word at ACCESS.
1. The fact that I'm never alone while I do it. HE is right here with me.