Sunday, July 13, 2008

This video was posted as a Myspace Video by a high school student who went to Superwow the week I preached there this summer. You rock, bro!!!

SuperWow 2008 Anson McMahon

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Speak of the devil.....

Last week I started to preach a brand new sermon series at The Point (12Stone's High School Ministry). To listen to the talks from the point just visit the link at the bottonm of this post!
The title of the series we just began is MAN VS. WILD. Obviously it's taken from the Bear Grylls TV series of the same name which can be seen on the Discovery Channel each week. The metaphor I am springing off of as a launching pad for this series is as follows: Just as Bear Grylls is trying to overcome and conquer the wild as he is dropped into places like Siberia and Iceland, those of us who are Christ-followers are also in a battle to overcome our own adversary. Namely the devil (or Satan) & his army of demon-cohorts. Spiritual warfare isn't just something that really freaky "charis-maniacs" with colorful prayer banners and green point of contact handkerchiefs sticking out of the pockets of their leisure suits believe. It is real and the church, in my opinion, desperately needs to learn more about it. This by implication means that those of us who are pastors need to begin to step to the plate and teach more about it.
In week one we focused on the idea that Satan is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He is constantly lying and attempting to deceive us with lies like "If it feels good do it..", "This world is all there is..." and "You are the only one that matters..." If we are not alert and constantly on guard against these lies we will soon be led astray by them and destroy ourselves. John 10:10 tells us bluntly that Satan comes "only" to steal, kill, and destroy. He never ever comes at us will beneficial things in mind for us. His objective is always to lure us away from Christ until we openly rebel just as he and the demons have already done!
Could it be, however, that GOD has communicated to us through His Word, the Holy Bible, some vital survival skills we can and should implement in order to overcome our adversary the devil? This is the question we are seeking the answers to in our series MAN VS. WILD. I hope you'll comment me with some thoughts of your own!

Visit the link below to listen to messages from THE POINT High School Ministry.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008