Friday, July 20, 2007

BOOK REVIEW: Samson and the Pirate Monks

So about a month ago I get a call on my cell from one of my best friends Jason Britt. He is a student pastor in Atlanta at a stinkin' amazing church and one of my most trusted compadres in all the world. A true partner in ministry, I am constantly sharing wth Jason books I have read. Well this time Jason leaves a message on my phone simply stating: "Bro....YOU GOTTA GET THIS BOOK..."!
Honestly, the title threw me a bit. I loved it but I was kinda unprepared for what the pages held.
Here are a few reasons why this book was amazing and why every man on earth needs to read it:
1. Because of the lack of authentic men in today's culture.
2. Because of the lack of men who desire to have true intimacy with Jesus Christ at all costs.
3. Because of the truth it shares regarding how broken we men are and how desperately we need other men in the foxhole with us.
4. Because metro-sexuals are taking over the world.
5. Because until the men are men the church won't be all Jesus wants it to be.
Basically, I would recommend this book to any man who loves Jesus but needs to know how to have victory over sin and the enemy Satan. I've already started giving this book out to the grooms of the weddings I perform and as Birthday presents to buddies. Calling all men: BUY THIS BOOK!!!

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