Friday, July 20, 2007

BOOK REVIEW: The Third Policeman

Every once in a while I enjoy escaping to a far away nook and curling up with a book that really has little or nothing to do with theology, ministry or even culture for that matter. Recently while in a bookstore in Sacramento I picked up this gem.
While this book is not for everyone or maybe even most people it was the perfect read for me. Weird, unorthodoxed, challenging, entertaining and even funny at times. This is a piece of Irish fiction that was written around 1950 and is somewhat of an underground cult-classic for those who enjoy "Twilight Zone" type books. This book challenges the space-time continuum and has some intense philisophical overtones.
The end of the book left me scratching my head and thinking about it's concept. I recommend this one to anyone who enjoys the TV show Lost and enjoys thinking deep thoughts while reading! If you end up reading it let me know what you thought about it!!

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