Friday, March 28, 2008


I may never recover from this one. Yes..... I went to Graceland........ willingly. I'm not sure what it was. I mean we had to pass through Memphis! I guess I figured since we were so close we just needed to go ahead and take the plunge! I mean, what could it hurt, right? 
Well, let me just say, if Branson, Missouri is known as the Redneck Riviera then Graceland must be Hillbilly Hotel. Don't get me wrong..... I love Elvis! I really do! This sin't about Elvis Presley. It's just very interesting to me the demographic of people who compose the vast majority of what I lovingly refer to as Graceland-grazers! They can be described by the following bulletpoints:
  • Over 50.
  • White.
  • Brightly colored shirt made of at least 75% polyester.
  • Dark socks with sandals.
  • Oversized Camera hanging from strap around neck.
  • Oversized Fanny-pack hanging from waist.
  • Oversized fanny hanging from body.
  • A hat that appears to be way to big for the cranium it houses.
  • Breathing through the mouth in amazement as they stare at the jungle room.
  • A look of awe whenever they see any of Elvis' white ceramic monkeys.
I guess I had fun. It definitely wasn't boring. No more boring than it would be walking around Saturn as you watched hundreds of native Saturnites tour the planet with you. I'm not making fun of people like this. I just feel really out of place when I'm around hundreds of them! Besides.... I wonder what Elvis would think if he knew thousands of fanny-pack armed fans were shuffling through the hallways of his Memphis home each day taking pictures of his parent's bed. WOW! We humans can be a weird sort.

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