Saturday, February 17, 2007

Playing with my daughter

These are the moments that matter most. Even though she is only 10 months old she is establishing a bond with us that will last a lifetime.
As I watch my wife play with our baby girl I am struck by how GOD created moms to be such nurturers. I am overwhelmed by how the LORD has blessed us so that Heather is able to stay home to love, teach, correct and feed our little girl each day. Many people aren't able to do that & I don't want to take it forgranted.
I have to go baby just said "dadadadadada-DAAA!" again & my heart is melting!
PS- Wish they had toys this cool when I was a baby!!!!

1 comment:

mom said...

I found and read your blogs Anson and they really make you think hard about alot of things..
the blog you wrote on my dear sweet grandaughter really brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy that the Lord has blessed you and Heather with such a lovely, precious child. We love and miss yall soooo much! Your mom really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for taking important time out of your day and sharing your thoughts with others, cuz your thoughts have ALWAYS made so much sense! (and no, I am not being biased,..just truthful) Cant wait to see you next month! I love you!