Friday, March 28, 2008

GOD Bless Oklahoma City

During the McMahon trek to Georgia Heather and I visited The Oklahoma City Memorial in downtown Oklahoma City. I wasn't expecting to be as moved by this experience as I was!
I can still remember watching the events of that day take place on the news when I was in the 11th grade. A federal building in Oklahoma City had been destroyed by a massive homemade bomb of fertilizer and explosives hidden away in a Ryder truck. 168 people had been killed in the worst act of domestic terrorism to date. Many were children who had been in the day care on the 2nd floor. The Ryder truck had been parked right in front of the day care just before it exploded. It would later be discovered that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were the mastermind of this evil plot.
What would cause someone to plan something so wicked and sinister? Even if he was acting in retaliation against the government why would he plan to kill innocent people? 
As I toured the museum and walked the memorial yard with my wife I felt as if this memorial stood not simply to honor those killed but also to remind all of us that there is real evil in this world. Satan and the demons are real. Their plots and hierarchy are cunning and insidious. The destruction they cause is dark.
Light does overcome darkness, however. One day Satan will finally be destroyed. Jesus Christ has defeated the devil through His magnificent work on the cross. And, as Revelation tells us, every tear shall one day be wiped away..... forever.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

...."for His returning we watch and we pray. We will be ready the dawn of that day. We'll join in singing with all the redemed, when Satan is vanquished and Jesus is Kimg!!!"