Friday, March 2, 2007

Ministry, Jesus & the joy of Pod-casting

I haven't seen (or really cared enough to look at) any statistics regarding how many students, young adults, or even older adults actually listen to podcasts. (For those of you who have no clue what a pod cast is, take this opportunity to look it up on What I do know is that it has become an amazing ministry tool to use for ministry. Tapes and even CD's for that matter have gone the way of Vanilla Ice and now media is literally a click of the mouse away.

I am so jazzed about what the LORD is doing in the ministries of The DEVOCAST and the ACCESS pod cast have become incredible tools for God's kingdom in the lives of the students at BVG, not to mention the pod casts of Xrds and Newgen!

So...if you aren't doing anything important in the next half hour, pour yourself a scorching hot mug of joe (vanilla-nut creamer suggested) and enjoy a discussion centered around the Word of GOD. You can find all of our pod casts at or by typing "BIG VALLEY GRACE" in the i-tunes search window.

1 comment:

mom said...

wow..thanks for taking the time to give me my daily message..I loved your message about how God KNOWS EVERYTHING!!>>awesome message!!!