Friday, March 16, 2007

Your Way!

As I sat in the Sacramento Airport yesterday waiting on a flight to leave, I got a tad-bit hungry. Not starving or famished hungry, mind you. Just enough to wet my appetite and get me to craving some sort of sustenance. Realizing I was about to be locked into a flying metal-tube along with 200 sickly, coughing, sneezing, and snotting other people with only a small sack of peanuts and some stale Diet Pepsi to satisfy me, I decided to get a bite to eat from the airport's food court.

Seeing the Burger King I figured that this was as good a choice as any. After ignoring my existence for at least 45 seconds while they carried on a conversation about a man named Scooter the two ladies at the counter finally inquired about what I would like to order. The conversation went something like this:

Me: "Hey there"

Her: "mmhmm"

Me: "Could I get a double-cheeseburger combo, please?"

Her: "No"

Me: "Really?"

Her: "All we have is double-bacon-cheeseburger combos, not double-cheeseburger combos."

Me: "Ser.....iously?"

Her: "mmhmm"

Me: "I can't get it without the bacon?"

Her: "It comes with the bacon."

Me: "You can't give it to me without the bacon on it?"

Her: "It comes with bacon."

Me: "..............................................."

Her: "........."

Me: "I guess I'll have the star-shaped chicken nuggets combo then."

Confused about Burger King's current marketing strategy I just checked their web site ( and there it was again just as I had suspected: "Get it your way at Burger King!"

I don't know what baffled me the most about this experience. The fact that "holding the bacon" seemed to this lady a task equal to that of splitting the atom or the fact that I went to a restaurant that prides itself on the idea that I can have the burger any way I want it and then they blatantly refused to give it to me the way I wanted it. As usual I'm not sure whether or not I should laugh or cry at the world I find myself in.

1 comment:

Pri said...

I like your new template :)