Thursday, April 17, 2008

Leadership & Ministry

The church I work at (12Stone Church in the Atlanta area....woot woot!) is getting ready to host the Maximum Impact Simulcast tomorrow. Leaders like Andy Stanley, Dick Vitale, and John Maxwell will be speaking. Our staff was treated to a surprise today when John Maxwell came in early to spend some time with us. In short- I just had a boatload of leadership wisdom unleashed upon me. The wisdom of this man was quite inspiring. In addition to a signed copy of his new book Leadership Gold, I got to ask him a question. "John, when you were 30 what books shaped you the most?" Want to know what he said? Ask me in person some time and I'll tell you.

1 comment:

RobertAGC said...

Well, Anson, seeing as we live a continent away, would you mind telling me which books?
